Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Powerade Selling Tactics

Photo: Old Powerade bottle and label

When I was shopping at the grocery store this week, I was looking for my favorite flavor of Powerade, green squall, and was unhappy when I couldnt find it.  In fact, I didn't notice any powerade on the store shelves at all!  


They had changed their entire label.  The 'new' Powerade is made with X-ION and is complete with four electrolites in the same ratio typically lost in sweat.


I didn't really care, I just wanted my Powerade!  The biggest upset was that I thought they discontinued my flavor!  I browsed the shelves and found one the had the same color as green squal, but was now named, sour melon.  I was VERY apprehensive to buy it as I was afraid I'd dislike it and waste my money.

I finally decided I'd buy it and found that it was actually the same flavor, but just with a new name and label.

I think Powerade's design change was almost harmful to their brand.  For me as a loyal customer, I was upset to not find my favorite flavor sitting on the shelf, waiting for me to buy it.  I think the label change is fine, but don't change the names of the flavors, especially if their not even changing the taste.

Visit Powerade's website to see the new face of their product:

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