Monday, January 26, 2009

Subway "Eat Fresh" Logo

This week I wanted to look at the Subway "eat fresh" logo.  I think this logo appeals to the general public because everyone wants to be healthy and fit.  By using the words "eat fresh," it makes the consumer assume they are getting a fresh product that is good for you.  When you look further into the advertisment, you notice that they used green as the font color.  I think this was a great marketing tactic becuase when we, as average americans, see the color green, we instinctively think healthy, fresh, natural, good for you thoughts.  They also kept their logo short and to the point.  "Eat fresh":  Two words that can mean so much.  It's easy to remember and easy to get stuck in your head.  
When I think about Subway, I know that I personally think I'm eating something good for me that I wont regret later.  I think the way Subway has marketed their line of product, sandwhiches, etc., is great.  They've considered what the general public wants in a fast food restaurant and made it a reality.  People now have a "healthy" choice when out and about.

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